许林,理学博士,副教授。混合模型,纵向数据分析,计量经济学,非参数建模,稳健估计,经验似然。计算机技能:Matlab, R computing, Python, Latex.地址:中华人民共和国,浙江省,杭州市,学源街18号
东北师范大学 中国,吉林省长春市
统计学 博士 (2007.9.1-2014.7.1)
东北师范大学 中国,吉林省长春市
统计学 硕士 (2005.9.1-2007.7.1)
长春工业大学 中国,吉林省长春市
信息与计算科学 学士 (1998.9.1-2002.7.1)
2016至今:副教授 BETVlCTOR伟德官网 Betvictor中文版
2014-2015:讲师 BETVlCTOR伟德官网 Betvictor中文版
2002-2013:讲师 长春大学 理学院
1) Guangren Yang, Sijia Xiang, Weixin Yao & Lin Xu, (2021). Robust estimation and outlier detection for varying-coefficient models via penalized regression, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2020.1784429.(SCI, Corresponding Author)
2) Yanyuan Ma,Shaoli Wang,Lin Xu & WeixiYao,(2021).Semiparametric mixture regression with unspecified error distributions, TEST.DOI: 10.1007/s11749.020.00725.(SCI,Third Author)
3) Qinying He, Lin Xu & Yao Men, (2020). Composition effect matters: Decomposing the gender pay gap in Chinese university graduates , Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja. VOL. 33, NO. 1, 847–864.(SSCI, Corresponding Author)
4) Lin Xu, Man-Lai Tang, Ziqi Chen*, (2019). Analysis of Longitudinal Data by Combining Multiple Dynamic Covariance Models ,Statistics and Its Interface. VOL. 12;479–487.(SCI, First Author)
5) Lin Xu, Sijia Xiang, Weixin Yao*, (2019). Robust maximum Lq-likelihood estimation of joint mean–covariance models for longitudinal data, Journal of Multivariate Analysis. VOL. 171; 397–411.(SCI, First Author)
6) Lin Xu, You-Gan Wang*, Shurong Zheng , Ning-Zhong Shi, (2015). Model selection with misspecified spatial covariance structure, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. VOL. 85(11), 2276–2294,(SCIE, First Author)
7) Lin Xu, Baisen Liu, Shurong zheng*, Shaokun Bao, (2014). Testing proportionality of two large-dimensional covariance matrices, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. VOL. 78; 43–55.(SCIE, First Author)
8) Baisen Liu, Lin Xu, Shurong Zheng*, Guo-Liang Tian, (2014). A new test for the proportionality of two large-dimensional covariance matrices, Journal of Multivariate Analysis. VOL. 131; 293–308.(SCI, Second Author)