Ø 教育与工作经历:
Ø 科研项目:
[1]“求解非线性反问题的一类新的正则化参数选取准则” (Y200804144),浙江教育厅课题,1万,“2009.1-2010.12”,主持,结题;
[2] “基于赫尔米特函数展开的磨光方法研究”,(11201085),国家自然科学基金,21万,2013-2015,2/5,结题;
[5]“半无限变分不等式的牛顿型迭代算法研究”,(10871168) ,国家自然科学基金,24万,2009-2011,参与5,结题;
[6]关于直线上对称相遇问题及相关问题的研究,(11271009),国家自然科学基金,48万,2010-2012, 4/7,结题。
Ø 论文、著作:
[1]第一作者,第二作者,等,论文题目,发表刊物,Vol.33, No.2, 36-45(期卷页码), X年X月(发表时间),检索分区;
[1] Meng Zehong, Zhang Jianjun <Nonlinear Krylov Subspace Methods for Solving Nonsmooth Equations>,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(Eng.Ed), Vol26, No.9 , pp1172-1180,2005. (SCI)(EI)
[2]孟泽红, 张建军, <求解非光滑方程组的Newton-GMRES迭代法的收敛性分析>, 高等学校计算数学学报,Vol.29, No.3, pp267-277, 2007.
[3] He Guoqiang, Meng Zehong <A Newton-type iterative method for heat-conduction inverse problems>, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(Eng.Ed), Vol.28, No.4, pp531-539, 2007. (SCI)(EI)
[4] Zhenyu Zhao,Zehong Meng, Guoqiang He, A New Approach for Numerical Differentiation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2009, Vol. 232, pp:227-239. (SCI)
[5] Zhenyu Zhao, Zehong Meng, Li Xu, Junfengliu, A New Mollification Method for Numerical Differentiation of 2D Periodic Functions, The 2009 International Symposium on Applied Computing and Computational Sciences, Vol.1,pp205-207, 2009。(EI)
[6] Meng Zehong,,Zhao Zhenyu, A Modification of Regularized Newton-Type Method for Nonlinear Ill-Posed Problem; 会议:The second International Conference on High Performance Computing and Applications, Vol.2.,pp367-373, 2009.(EI)
[7] Meng Zehong,,Zhao Zhenyu ,He Guoqiang, Newton-Type Method with Double Regularization Parameters for Nonlinear Ill-Posed Problems; 会议:High performance computing and applications(second international conference HPCA, pp295-304, 2009.
[8] Meng Zehong,Zhao Zhenyu,A Newton-Implicit Iterative Method For Nonlinear Inverse Problems,Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Vol.29, No.3,909-920, 2011.
[9] Zhenyu Zhao, Zehong Meng, A Modified Tikhonov Regularization Method for a Backward Heat Equation, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol.19, No.8, pp:1175-1182, 2011.
[10] Zhenyu Zhao, Zehong Meng,Numerical differentiation for periodic functions,Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering,vol18,No.7, pp957-969, 2010. (SCI)
[11] Zhenyu Zhao, Zehong Meng, A modified Tikhonov regularization method for a backward heat equation, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 19(8): 1175-1182, 2011. (SCI)
[12] Zhenyu Zhao, Ou Xie, Zehong Meng, Lei You, Determination of an Unknown Source in the Heat Equation by the Method of Tikhonov Regularization in Hilbert Scales, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics Vol.2 No.2, 10-17, 2014. (SCI)
[13] Zhenyu Zhao, Zehong Meng, Lei You, Ou Xie, Identifying an Unknown Source in the Poisson Equation by the Method of Tikhonov Regularization in Hilbert Scales, Applied Mathematical Modelling,2014,2/4. 38, 4686-4693, 2014. (一A,二区)
[14] Z Zhao, O Xie, L You, Z Meng , A Truncation Method Based on Hermite Expansion for Unkown Source in Space Fractional Diffusion Equation, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 19 (3) :430-442,2014.(一B,四区)
[15]谢鸥, 赵振宇,孟泽红,求解椭圆方程柯西问题的修正吉洪诺夫正则化方法,应用数学与计算数学学报, 28(3),317-324,2014。
[16] Zehong Meng, Zhenyu Zhao, Hermeite Spectral Method for Solving Inverse Heat Source Problems in Multiple Dimensions, Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering, 25 (9) ,pp1-16,2016 .(一B,四区)
[17]Z Zhao, Z Meng, L Zhao, L You, O Xie, A Stabilized Algorithm for Multi-dimensional Numerical Differentiation, Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, 10 (2),pp1-8, 2016.(一B,EI)
[18] Gonglin Yuan, Zehong Meng, Yong Li,A Modified Hestenes and Stiefel Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Large-Scale Nonsmooth Minimizations and Nonlinear Equations , Journal of Optimization Theory and Application, 168,pp129–152,2016. (一A,二区)
[19] Baoqin Chen, Zhenyu Zhao, Zhi Li,Zehong Meng, Numerical differentiation by a Fourier extension method with super-order regularization; Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol334, pp1-10, 2018.(一B四区)
[20] Zhenyu Zhao, Riguang Lin, Zehong Meng, Guoqiang He, Lei You and Yongxiong Zhou, Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, vol 1,pp 1-7, 2018.
Ø 公司产品成果:
[1] 李金昌,洪兴建,周银香,李世兴,孟泽红,陈玉娟,王福来,“层级递进、多维协同”的数据科学类人才培养模式创新与实践,校级教学成果一等奖,2018.
Ø 荣誉奖励:
2014-2015 校级优秀教师;